A comprehensive analysis of the PBX gene family & the role of PBX4

A novel study recently published by Martinou EG, Moller-Levet CS, and Angelidi AM aiming to explore the expression of PBX genes and their clinical significance in colorectal cancer.

The differential expression of PBX genes in CRC vs. normal tissue was investigated using the Cancer Genome Atlas and ONCOMINE platform. Moreover, the UALCAN interactive OMICS web-server was used to evaluate the epigenetic regulation of PBX genes via their promoter methylation status. 

In addition, in vitro studies showed that PBX4 overexpression increased CRC cell proliferation and upregulated the expression of EMT markers (i.e., VIM, CDH1, CDH2, ZEB1, SNAI1) and angiomarker VEGFA.

Read the full article here.


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